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Global Test Market USA

Reward:P Referral:Ref,OQ
Site Overview
Global Test Market was founded in 1999 by Global Market Insight, Inc. They offer up many free paid survey opportunities per month and accept respondents from across the globe. Once you become a member you�ll want to go online, login to your account, and go to the �My Profiles� area to complete the profile surveys. This will allow Global Test Market to match you up with more paid surveys.

Global Test Market awards Market Points in exchange for completing their online surveys. Each Market Point has a value of $0.05 with a minimum cash-out of 1,000 points ( $50.00 ). Each paid survey starts with a qualifying section, with the survey taker receiving at least a few points, even if they don�t qualify for the complete survey. Once you reach the 1,000 point level, you can login and redeem your points for cash.

They also offer a referral program via direct email from their site. For each person that you refer, you will receive 20 Market Points AFTER they complete their first paid survey.

Free Paid Surveys' Review of Global Test Market USA

Review Date:  August 30, 2005 Overall Rating:  ( 8.6 )    
Survey Frequency ( 10 )    
Survey Quality ( 9 )    
Survey Compensation ( 7 )    
Timely Payment ( 8 )    
Overall/Other ( 9 )    
Global Test Market has really impressed me as of late. When I had first joined them they were this rinky-dink little online survey company, which I didn't really get much from. However over the past year they have grown to become one of my favorites.

One of the things that my throw you off is the small amount of points granted per survey. When compared to other similar points programs, the rewards seem small, at first...But unlike other paid survey points programs, who's points are equivalent to $0.01 per point, Global Test Markets Market Points are worth $0.05 each. This does equate to a slightly longer period before you can cash out (their minimums still 1,000 points), but it's a higher cash-out, $50 at the 1,000 point level.

I currently am receiving around 10 or so free paid survey opportunities per month from them, putting them right around the top of my list as far as survey opportunities. I do find however, that I only qualify for about 50% at the most. But here's one of my favorite parts, they still give me a few points, even when I don't qualify.

Their surveys always seem to run very smoothly and I find them interesting to take. Be sure that you fill out your profiles after you sign-up to maximize the number of invites you receive. All around a very solid free paid survey site.

Overall User Reviews for Global Test Market USA

Number of Reviews:  10 Overall Rating:  ( 7.8 )    
Survey Frequency ( 8.0 )    
Survey Quality ( 7.4 )    
Survey Compensation ( 7.8 )    
Timely Payment ( 7.9 )    
Overall/Other ( 7.9 )    

Rating Desc Rating Asc Date Desc Date Asc
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